The ink on the recent nuclear agreement has not even dried yet, and the Islamic Republic has already made its intentions clear that it will continue with its export of terrorism and regional instability. The foiled plot of against Bahrain by regime element is yet another example of the theocratic regime’s unabated policy to sow conflict and instability. This recent attempted terror attack designed to interfere in the internal affairs of Bahrain, is in line with the regime’s goal of imposing regional hegemony while exporting radicalism to Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and Saudi Arabia. The Iran National Council strongly condemns this policy, which can only lead to further regional instability and threaten peace.
The Obama Administration and the other P5+1 partners to the nuclear agreement with the Islamic Republic have maintained unequivocally that the purpose of the agreement is to prevent the theocratic regime from obtaining a nuclear weapon and to prevent war. We share these aims, but also believe that the lifting of sanctions and the release of billions of dollars of the Iranian people’s assets must not be allowed to be used by the regime in the furtherance of its export of terrorism and regional conflict.
The Islamic Republic’s leadership has stated that it intends to support the oppressed people of the region in Bahrain, Palestine and Yemen, yet the most oppressed of all are the very Iranian nation who have for the past 36 years suffered unspeakable hardship and tyranny under this very regime.
The nature and raison d’etre of the Islamic Republic is based on terror and conflict, and the only way that this can change is for the world powers to support, without equivocation, the aspirations of the Iranian people for democracy and Human Rights.
Reza Pahlavi
The president of the Iran National Council for Free Elections