Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says Iran’s foreign policy has resulted in political isolation of Washington and the next step is to isolate US economically. How much truth is in this claim?
Read More »Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says Iran’s foreign policy has resulted in political isolation of Washington and the next step is to isolate US economically. How much truth is in this claim?
Read More »Tonight we will look at why Iranian President Hassan Rouhani yesterday warned Britain of the “consequences” of its detention of an Iranian oil tanker off the coast of Gibraltar, in the context of the economic war that Washington is waging against Iran.
Read More »Today is the 20th anniversary of the student uprising in Iran which began in Tehran University and then spread across other academic centers, during which one student was killed by the regime’s thugs and hundreds injured and arrested.
Read More »In tonight’s program we will look at Iran’s revenues from its oil and gas resources over the many years, and how they have been spent or wasted.
Read More »In tonight’s program we will look at the latest news of the continued tension between Iran and US over Tehran’s support for terrorism and its interference in the internal affairs of the Middle Eastern countries.
Read More »In tonight’s program we will discuss the implications of the political statement by 14 Iranian opposition figures and human rights activists for the freedom movement in the country as well as the regime’s reaction to it.
Read More »In tonight’s program we will look at the continued tension between Iran and US and find out what effects the US sanctions on the office of Khamenei and his representatives in America and Canada will have.
The Iranian regime says why should some other countries of the Middle East have an atomic bomb but it is barred from having one.
At the end of tonight’s program we will look at the latest gathering of the OPEC countries and find out if Iran still has any real voice within the organisation as the Russians and the Saudis seem to have joined forces to dominate it.
Our guests to discuss these issues tonight are the publisher Bijan Khalili in Los Angeles and human rights activist Afshin Afshin-Jam in Toronto.
Bijan Khalili:
We must accept the fact that the five main powers of the world possess the nuclear bomb and would not allow any other country to have it. They have agreed among themselves that they should not allow any other country to get involved in a race to obtain this bomb and it appears that the rest of the world have conceded to this unwritten agreement.
So, whether we like it or not we must accept this rule. However, the Iranian regime seems to have attempted to change the rules of this game in international relations and for more than three decades it was after arming itself with a nuclear bomb as a deterrentforce.
Should it have succeeded in achieving it then a very dangerous race would have started in the Middle East, which is already fraught with wars and tensions.
And in the process the regime has wasted huge amount of Iran’s wealth and resources for a failed project and has made our country the target of military threats. In addition, the regime’s nuclear ambitions have brought untold miseries and sufferings for our people through international sanctions.
Its president, Ahmadinejad, had even quite happily said that the world can put as many sanctions on Iran asthey want and he does not give a damn to them!
But finally the regime succumbed to international pressure and signed the nuclear deal 10 years after it could have done so with gaining more advantages for our country from the Western powers.
Afshin Afshin-Jam:
The regime’s tricks and hypocrisy have now become known to the international community and even when Khameneisays that he opposes the nuclear bomb and has banned it no one seems to believe him because at the same time the regime still insists on destruction of thestate of Israel and this can only mean that annihilating other nations with a weapon that is not conventional.
In tonight’s program we will look at the latest news of the continued tension between Iran and US as at the other side of the globe in Japan leaders of the G20 countries hold a conference on environment and farming issues, as well as discussing the current tension between Iran and US.
Read More »In tonight’s program we will look at the tension between Tehran and Washington over the issue of Iran’s attempts to renew its uranium enrichment activities and its support for terrorism in the Middle East.
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