
Iran’s post-ISIS blues

These days, the American agenda in the region does not go well with Iran’s mood.

Shifting mood. A US armoured fighting vehicle returns to a base near West Mosul, last June. (Reuters)

by:Mohamad Kawas

Iran reaped major benefits by cooperating with the United States and the international coalition in the post-Sep­tember 11 invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. The purely American agenda in the region eliminated in one blow two strategic enemies to Iran: The Taliban in power to the east and Saddam Hussein’s regime to the west. Read More »

Hundreds of EU parliamentarians condemn human rights abuses in Iran and Call for Blacklisting IRGC

by:Dr. Majid Rafizadeh, Contributor

Hundreds of members of the European Parliament have strongly condemned human rights violations by the Iranian government. According to Amnesty International, “Iran alone accounted for 55% of all recorded executions” in the world in 2016. They also called for the blacklisting of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) involved in multiple regional conflicts. Read More »

How Deep Is Iran’s State?

The Battle Over Khanemei’s Successor

By :Alex Vatanka, Sanam Vakil, Hossein Rassam


In “Iran’s Next Supreme Leader” (May/June 2017), Sanam Vakil and Hossein Rassam convincingly argue that the death of Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, will mark a turning point in the Islamic Republic. They are right that Khamenei desperately wants a smooth transition and is insisting that someone personally and ideologically close to him take over the helm once he dies. Read More »