In tonight’s program we will discuss with our special guest the nuclear scientist Dr. Reza Maridi the following news stories:
The US-Iran crisis is escalating and has become the most reported news in Iran’s media;
In Bahrain 19 of its nationals have been jailed on charges of spying for Iranian regime;
The flood-hit areas of Iran are now fighting against the spread of contagious diseases and no Iranian authority has taken up any responsibility in dealing with this yet another disaster for our country.
Dr. Reza Maridi:
Every natural disaster has two dimensions to it. One is how it has happened, and the other is how we have responded to it as a government responsible for the safety of our citizens.
The recent flood in Iran has killed scores of people and destroyed many properties and farming lands and the responsibility for all these losses lies with government and its departments.
In Western countries like here in Canada the government has set up specialist departments to deal with these disasters and they have indeed offered theirhelp to Iran too during this current flood tragedy.
However, everyone knows that unfortunately there are some corrupt people in Iran andamong the authorities who would abuse the help that has been offered and steal the funds sent to Iran by aid organizations.
They then pay these funds into their foreign accounts or to the accounts of their children who live abroad and no one can trace them because Iran has not signed up to the anti-money laundering conventions yet.
As we have seen in recent corruption cases, all the money that the Petrochemical company has been receiving from its foreign clients have been banked in personal accounts abroad.