Jamshid Chalangi:
We continue tonight’s program with looking at the aftermath of the devastating floods across Iran and how the regime has reacted to them.
Also, we will find out why Ebrahim Raeesi who has been responsible for the mass execution of Iran’s political prisoners has been appointed by Khamenei as the head of judiciary.
Our guests tonight are Iraj Mesdaghi and Mehdi Khazali.
Iraj Mesdaghi:
We can expect no meaningful help from this regime to solve any of the disastrous problems that they have brought onto our nation.
Khomeini had called the carnage of Iran-Iraq war a “blessing from god” and Khamenei has welcomed the devastating international sanctions on Iran as “an opportunity”.
When we had a similar devastating flood in Iran a decade ago the Revolutionary Guard commander Mohammad Najar had said it was good for farmers because the floods had cleaned up their soil for next year’s crops!
And when thousands of people were killed in an earthquake Ahmadinejad had claimed that one house had survived the tragedy because the family who lived in there had his portrait hanged on their wall!
The only place that this regime has invested in are Iran’s grave yards to cater for the hundreds of thousands of its victims.
Mehdi Khazali:
I believe the greatest victim of the Iranian regime has been Islam itself. No other regime in the world could have damaged the face of Islam to the extent the Iranian regime has done.
In the tragedy of flood in Shiraz city where 19 people have perished we can clearly see the dirty fingers of the Revolutionary Guard.
The local council has allowed the Guards to engage in illicit construction business and turn the flood diverting channels into roads and charge the local population by taxations on their traffic.
They have built sub standard dams that serve no purpose except irrigate the farmlands of the regime’s officials.
They have even undermined the constructions of railways to open up land for their housing businesses.
I believe the Guards must be brought to justice for this flooding tragedy that has engulfed our country.