In tonight’s program of Behind the Headlines we ask our guests Reza Taghizadeh and Sadegh Zibakalam why all officials of the Iranian regime claim that if they are overthrown, Iran will become a “second Syria”?
And what are the roots causes of Iran’s economic problems and that if the current regime will be bale to solve them.
Sadegh Zibakalam:
To put it simply, if you compare Iran’s economy to a driving car that must be moving forward, it has instead stopped and the economic mess of the country is such that no viable solution seems to be available to cure it from multiple diseases.
However, the burning flames of this mess seems to be directed mainly at the bazaar merchants who have been protesting during the recent days.
They are in a limbo as they can neither sell any products nor buy them due to the rapid and hourly change in the exchange rates of the national currency against the US dollar.
Reza Taghizadeh:
The truth is that the economic crisis in Iran is not due to the mismanagement of the economy by the government, but it is a reflection on the nature of the regime as a whole.
Within this ideologically driven regime, any government, however competent its cabinet members might be or with the best planning in the world, no economic progress and stability can be achieved.
To put it simply, the Islamic republic regime cannot possibly do anything to solve the economic crisis of the country and has hit its dead end.
The events of the last few days in Iran are unprecedented and means that Iran’s middle classes have now come onto the streets to join the working classes who began their own protests back in last December and continued on and off up to today.
Sadegh Zibakalam:
Iran’s economy suffers from both mismanagement and rampant corruption.
The political decisions that are made by the country’s leadership show their domino effect in the economy but no political leaders ever take responsibility of what follows their damaging decisions.
I believe the previous regime in Iran was a strategic partner of the US and the Islamic republic regime is a strategic partner of Russia.
These strategic links have brought their consequences for Iran and we need to see what benefits we have had from either of them.
Reza Taghizadeh:
The Rouhani government will not be able to solve Iran’s economic problems and within the next six months time once the US sanctions come into effect his government will lose a further 50% of its current revenues.
The Rouhani government is nothing but the Islamic republic regime.