Jamshid Chalangi:
In tonight’s program we will look at the ever-increasing tension between Tehran and Washington as Brian Hook, the U.S. special representative for Iran, and Mike Pompeo have travelled to the Persian Gulf region to hold meetings with key allies after President Trump told a House of Representatives panel that “our pressure campaign” against Tehran is working.
As we now commemorate the tenth anniversary of the sad death of Neda Agha Sultan during the Green Movement uprisings, we discuss these latest developments with our guests, journalist Caspian Makan and activist Babak Shekarabi.
Caspian Makan:
Neda’s young death will never be wiped out of the memories of Iranian patriots as she gave her life for the cause of freedom for our country and its people.
Neda’s is one of many thousands of freedom fighting people of Iran who have not given up their dream of reaching democracy for our country over many decades.
Neda had once said that she had never allowed her birth certificate being stamped as a person who has voted for the candidate of this regime as she always opposed their oppression and violation of human rights of the Iranians.
There will surely be many moreNedas in our history until we achieve our aims.
Babak Shekarabi:
I offer my sincere condolences to Neda’s family again. The fact of the matter is that so long as this regime rules over Iran our human rights will be violated because the justice department of the regime is itself the biggest violator of these rights and its main mission is to stifle any voice of dissent by our women, political activists, ethnic and religious minorities and workers.
When a religion becomes the single source of authority in a country, as it has happened in Iran, then every member of that society will suffer from ideological restrictions. However, in a secular society the religious people benefit most from their freedoms and peace and coexistence prevails.
Caspian Makan:
The regime no longer carries its repressions so openly and the murder of its opponents have been reduced as they want to continue with their rule and are afraid of backlash from international community.