In tonight’s program we will look at the following news and developments with our guests the commentator Dr. Saeed Bashirtash and the General Secretary of Democratic Front of Iran, Mr. HeshtmatullahTabarzadi.
The tension between Tehran and Washington has entered a new and dangerous phase after President Trump ordered the dispatch of 1000 more troops to the Middle East region.
The Islamic republic regime continues to emphasis on its position of “no war no negotiations” while the possible outbreak of a military confrontation does not solely rest on its unilateral decision.
The explosions on the two oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman and the subsequent video clips that show the involvement of the Revolutionary Guards in the attacks increase this possibility.
And inside Iran the murder of Mohammad Reza Shirmohamad Ali while in political prison has once again highlighted the gross human rights violations in the country.
Heshtmatullah Tabarzadi:
Since the talks about Iran’s nuclear program started 17 years ago, our country and people have been the party to suffer from itsconsequences in terms of the harsh sanctions on them.
Over the last 20 years poverty and unemployment have increased in Iran and the regime has never been clear about its nuclear ambitions to gain the trust of the international community.
All they have done is to say that Khamenei has issued a fatwa and banned the making and use of a nuclear bomb,
Saeed Bashirtash:
This regime has always been rouge one. Even before coming to power Khomeini used to call for the destruction of the state of Israel and once in power he was after the import of his Islamic revolution to other Muslim countries and officially announced this policy.
The most important mission of the Revolutionary Guard in its charter is to unite the entire Islamic Umma (nations) and theyregard themselves as the sole force to achieve this aim.
Everywhere that this regime has gone that country has been involved in chaos and wars these last 40 years.