In tonight’s program we will look at the conditions in Iran’s political prisons as currently Sepideh Gholian, Narges Mohammadi, Fatemeh Akbari, Zaynab Jalalian and Athena Daemi and many more Iranian women are jailed for their political views along with hundreds of Iranian men, while the ruling regime in Iran does not allow anyone from the international human rights groups and UN to visit Iran’s political prisons.
Not only that, now the cleric Mustafa Pourmohamadi, one of the judges who ordered the execution of thousands of political prisoner has said that he is “proud” of this crime against humanity which he committed along with the head of Iran’s judiciary, Ebrahim Raeesi.
Also, we will look at the latest news of the open letter by the 14 civil rights activists as more Iranians in exile offer their support for their demands.
Our guests tonight to discuss these issues are Mr Javad Laal Mohammadi from Mashad, one of the signatories of this letter, and Mr Heshmatullah Tabarzadi in Tehran.
Javad Laal Mohammadi:
On Sunday morning my wife went to her hairdressingsalon later than usual and as I went to see her the local people told me that two individuals armed with guns and colts had fired at the front window of her shop and ran away from the scene.
My wife had called the police who turned up after an hour and took statement from her and some witnesses. I told the police thatthis was a political attack but they refused to note it.
My wife had been shaken by this armed attack and was in a state of shock. I even apologised to the local people in the neighbourhood of my wife’s shop for what had happened as the rebound from the gunshots could have injured or killed anyone in the vicinity.
I then declared on the scene that my family and I are hear to face these cowards if they have the integrity of wanting to say something to us in a civilised manner, rather than using guns to silence us, which goes to show how weak the regime is and how strong we are in our civil protest.
Heshmatullah Tabarzadi:
This regime in Iran has shown that it has never recognised or respected any laws or civilized manner and wherever it feels threatened inside or outside the country it violently attacks its opponents to create fear and deter them from approaching it.
One day its agents raid the home of Mr Mahdavifar and arrest and jail him and where they cannot arrest somebody they cowardly attack the property of their relatives.
Just look no further and you will see here inside our own country how it kidnaps and imprisons innocent dual nationals from Europe or US and takes them as hostages to bargain deals with their captivity.