In tonight’s program we will discuss the implications of the political statement by 14 Iranian opposition figures and human rights activists for the freedom movement in the country as well as the regime’s reaction to it.
We will also look at the continued tension between Iran and US and find out if this will lead to any direct confrontations and if so who wants it and benefits from such scenario.
Saeed Hajarian, one of the theoreticians of the regime who once acted as an interrogator of political prisoners has claimed that foreign powers are after the partition of Iran. How much truth is in this and who are the forces that want to partition Iran.
Our guests to discuss these issues tonight are the political activist Dr. Hassan Nayeb Hashem who is covering the UN’s Human Rights Conference in Geneva and activist and filmmaker Mohammad Nourizad.
Hassan Nayeb Hashem:
We are in Geneva to make sure that the voice of the suffering Iranian people is heard in international conferences on the human rights abuses and we are doing this while facing many restrictions and limits.
However, the Iranian regime has always had a permanent delegation in this event but many other countries have condemned human rights records in Iran in their speeches.
Mohammad Nourizad:
Our people have been struggling for freedom and the rule of law for the last 120 years with no respite. During the Constitution Revolution of 1905 some clerics had dogma about democracy and pluralism but our heroic people did not listen to their backward ideas and continued with their struggle and succeeded in it.
Later on great leaders like Reza Shah who knew those backward thinking clerics built a modern Iran during his short reign. Whatever pictures that has remained of this great man shows him in action and doing something good for his people and you do not see him even having a moment of rest until he achieves his patriotic ideals for our country and its people.
However, sadly today and 40 years after the revolution we have arrived at a situation where one man decides about the fate of 80 million Iranians and tells the world that he neither wants any negotiations nor a confrontation.
In our open letter of the 14 individuals we have demanded an end to this situation and say that we no longer accept to be obedient of other people’s orders as our parliament is occupied by 300 useless individuals who do not represent the voices of our people.