Tonight we will once again look at the rising tension between Iran and US as Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif has been confined to a six-block radius during his visit to New York for a United Nations meeting.
Ayatollah Khamenei has threatened to take revenge against the “piracy by the vicious English government” for the seizure of Iran’s oil super tanker. We will find out if these threats can solve any of our people’s numerous problems.
Also, we will look at the consequences of the open letter by the 14 civil rights activists as more of its signatories have been arrested and jailed.
We have also had the news of an earthquake in the city of Masjed Suleiman where more than 300 oil wells have been providing the clerical regime in Tehran with hundreds of millions of dollars of revenue, and try to find out if the residents of the city have had any share of it.
Our gusts tonight to discuss these issues are Hassan Etemadi, Khosrow Forouhar and Dr. Saeed Ahmadi.
Hassan Etemadi:
The truth is that Mr. Khamenei’s threat to take revenge against the British government was somehow put into action last week when three speed-boats of the Revolutionary Guards tried to seize a British oil tanker. However, they were met with warnings from the British naval forces stationed in the Persian Gulf waters and retreated.
The rising of the tension between Iran and the Western powers is an indication that the regime in Tehran is becoming weaker by the day as it is not achieving anything out of its threats and quite frankly the Iranian people pay no attention to these ploys and US is aware of the regime’s tactics.
Khosrow Forouhar:
Ayatollah Khamenei does not enjoy any mass popularity as the regime claims he is the leader of 80-90 percent of the one billion people. Even inside Iran itself and among the clerical establishment many senior people do not agree with the absolute rule of the supreme leader.
Today we can clearly hear the calls by some senior clerics within the regime for a change of policy and course for the country but their demands fall short of the true demands of the Iranian people for fundamental changes and can be misleading.
Dr. Saeed Ahmadi:
Mr. Khamenei’s un-diplomatic language is not constructive at all and as we have seen in the past can only add to the tension between our country and the international community.