Jamshid Chalangi:
We continue tonight’s program with looking at the arrivals of hundreds of Iraqi militia members of the Hashad Alshabi in Iran by the order of the Iranian regime.
This militia that acts as the proxy force for the Iranian regime within the Iraqi’s political and military institutes, like the Hizbollah are regarded as terrorists.
The commander of Hashad Alshabi has said that in the coming days more of his troops will be heading towards Iran’s southern provinces, ostensibly to “help with the victims of the floods” that have swept more that 26 major Iranian cities.
We ask our guests of tonight, Nasser Shahinpar and Mohammad Hassan Sadigh Yazdchi if the real mission of these militias is helping our people or indeed when the regime is arresting the protesting Iranian volunteers and helpers and jailing them, they are here to protect the regime against the wrath of people.
Nasser Shahinpar:
The current flood disaster has been caused for two specific reasons: firstly we have a regime in power that is incompetent and has not done anything to prepare the country for a natural disaster as it has squandered the country’s resources, and secondly, it is partly responsible for the extent of the devastations by destroying all those natural sources that could have reduced the impact of the flooding.
The regime is fully aware of the Iranian people’s anger about these realities and fearing their reaction has brought in its proxies to Iran to crack down on the protests.
Mohammad Hassan Sadigh Yazdchi:
Whatever this regime has done to Iran during these last forty years has been against the interests of our people and has nothing to do with Islam.
In fact all its actions have been to damage the wellbeing of our people.
The numerous problems of the Iranian people are the creations of this regime and therefore one cannot expect them to be solved by it.
For the regime to claim that it has brought into our country a military Iraqi force that acts as its proxy force for wars and destruction to supposedly help reconstruct our devastated cities is yet another deception against the interests of our people of Iran.