We begin tonight’s edition of A Window to the Fatherland with Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh reading one of his poems from the book of his collected works.
Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh:
The Iranian month of Amordad is a significant month in our national calendar as it coincides with the anniversary of the Constitution Revolution of 1905.
While the late Senator Hassan Taghizadeh was still alive he represented the last of the generation who made that revolution possible. However, one by one that generation disappeared and we no longer had any sign of the ideals of that revolution in Baharestan, the Majles, where the veteran politicians debatedabout the affairs of the nation.
With the establishment of the Islamic Republic in 1979, the members of the Assembly of Experts took over from those brave and committed veterans.
But when you look at them they are a group of people in their nineties who are only awake for the first five minutes of attending the assembly’s sessions, which are only about praising the supreme leader, and the rest they fall into sleep!
When the late Shah was given the title of the Light of the Aryans, he was not himself happy about this lofty name, which gradually distanced him from thepublic.
It is not that I regard the Shah as a bad man or we do not like him, not at all. I only want to give a true picture of the man he was.
The other day I was watching a film of the memorial service for the anniversary of the Shah’s passing and I noticed how Empress Farah has remained a dignified person all these last 40 years of life in exile.
I only hope that soon we all see an end to this exiled life and get rid of the old and negative animosities between our political groups of the past yearsonce for all.
Now the former Mayor of Tehran Mohammad Ali Najafi has been sentenced to death but I believe if he was to be sentenced to life imprisonment he could write tens of books about his error of judgment that would help prevent many more crimes like he did.
President Trump has aid that the Iranians have never won a war but have always succeeded in their diplomatic wars.
He is right, but these victories were always achieved when we had prominent diplomats whose main preoccupations were our national interests.