We begin tonight’s edition of A Window to the Fatherland with Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh reading one of his poems from the book of his collected works.
Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh:
We continue the program with talking to our special guest of every Thursday, Dr. Mohsen Sazegara, for his views about news of Iran and the Middle East.
Nothing in this world can be more puzzling than to hear that Mohammad Ali Najafi, the prodigy of Iranian Sanati university and the MIT, the man who as deputy minister ran Iran’s budgeting and planning organisation and the country’s tourism ministry, and as the former mayor of Tehran revealing hundreds of cases of corruptions among the officials, has now murdered his second wife!
We know the fact that while Najafi was the mayor of Tehran he had attracted Khamenei’s wrath and that it is also rumored that his son Mujtaba also hated Najafi for his honesty and clean financial background among the army of corrupt people who run the regime.
This had led to the belief that if one day Najafi stood as a presidential candidate he would have certainly won the election.
Some biased people had criticised Najafi for marrying his second young wife but that is a personal matter and has nothing to do with anyone else. All in all, the news of Najafi killing his wife has come as a shock to all those who knew him.
Mohsen Sazegara:
I knew Dr Najafi from the time of both of us studying at the Aryamehr Industrial University.
The average mark to be able to enter this university was around 12.7 but Njafi’s mark had been 19, indicating that you were dealing with a genius in mathematics.
He later achieved a scholarship to continue his studies at MIT and on his return he trained a generation of Iranian mathematicians.
While in US he had joined the Iranian Students Islamic Society and after the revolution he joined the Rajaie cabinet and many of the US educated expertsjoined him in the ministry of education, which he ran very successfully.
I believe Najafi’s biggest “crime” had been to support the Green Movement openly, which meant standing up to Khamenei and his murderous cronies who cracked down on that peaceful movement.
Njafi had told many of his close friends and associates that Khamenei disliked him and it was the pressure from his household that forced him to resign as themayor of Tehran.