We begin tonight’s edition of A Window to the Fatherland with Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh reading one of his poems from the book of his collected works.
Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh:
Today we will review the latest news about the escalating tension between US and Iran as the rhetoric from both sides continues.
In Iran a group of Revolutionary Guards commanders keep talking about their firepower in case the US enters a military confrontation with them.
Beside all these destructive stances from both sides, one person’s serious and constructive efforts that would benefit every Iranian is being carried out by a Mr Khosrow Semnani.
Mr Semnani immigrated to US at an early age and studied there and achieved hisdoctorate degree in economics. He has become a rich man through his hard and honest work and has been helping his fellow Iranians in many ways.
However, his best help in that respect is launching a movement under the title of “Where is My Oil”, which deals with Iran’s oil and gas industries and how they have been abused by the corrupt regime in Iran.
He has actually published a book under the same title in English and a Farsi translated version of it will soon be available inside Iran.
Mr Semnani is our guest tonight and he will tell us more about his project:
Mr Khosrow Semnani:
During the 1980s while Iran was at war with Iraq I used to take part in anti-war movement, while working in a copper mine at my own company in Utah.
We kept talking about the situation in Iran for years and always thought we should do something to help the situation of the country as it was gong from bad to worse and our people were suffering from it.
We dis a lot of research and studies and concluded that the main cause of our people’s problems was that despite the country’s huge energy sources and its unique position in the oil and gas markets, the revenues from these resources never reached our people nor truly benefitted them.
This situation has continued to this day and the regime in Iran is not accountable for the sale of oil and gas of our nation and spends their revenue on things that have no benefit for our nation.
The sad thing is that our people do not pay attention to this vital issue of their lives and instead of prospering our people and providing them with help and economic support, the regime spends the oil and gas monies on repressing them.
It is the duty of those educated and patriotic Iranians who are aware of this reality to tell our nation that the oil money that belongs to every single one of them is squandered by this regime through many of its own private companies and used to crack down on them.