We begin tonight’s edition of A Window to the Fatherland with Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh reading one of his poems from the book of his collected works.
Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh:
I wrote this poem for the late mother or my close and dear friend and colleague Massoud Behnood who passed today without being able to see her son to say goodbye to him.
These deaths are even more saddening when parents are away from their loved ones because of the calamitous rule of the present regime in Iran, which has divided our nation and forced millions to flee our motherland. And yet the regime unashamedly calls itself “Islamic” and follower of the prophet!
Hadi Razavi, the son-in-law of the regime’s minister of industry Shariatmadari has been sentenced to 17 years in jail for a major corruption case and we will report on his court hearing today.
People like Razavi are the cronies of Khamenei and his court case is the tip of the iceberg.
The Omani Foreign Minister Mr Ben Alawi has traveled to Tehran, carrying a message from the US government.
The regime’s ambassador in Oman Mr Nouri Shahroudi, who incidentally happens to be a sensible man, has conveyed a message to Tehran that the US is very serious about its threats and a war can completely destroy Iran and it is in the interest of the regime to enter negotiations with Trump.
A look at the military armada that the US has sent to the region clearly shows that it is prepared to respond in full force against the regime’s provocations and the Omanis surely do not wish to see this happening.
We only wished that the leaders of the regime had the slightest feeling of the Omani Sultan and realized the serious danger that threatens the existence of our country and backed off from their nefarious acts.
As we reported yesterday, the regime has now brought thousands of Iraqi and Yemeni militias into Iran who are undergoingmilitary training for operations in the waters of the Persian Gulf.
Iran has a 6000 years old written history and many invading armies have tried to destroy our country in the past but have failed and surely the current children of our nation, the likes of worker Eslmail Bakhshi and women’s rights fighter Narges Mohammadi will not allow this regime to lay the ground for the destruction of our ancient motherland.