We begin tonight’s edition of A Window to the Fatherland with Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh reading one of his poems from the book of his collected works.
Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh:
Today is the eve of the anniversary of the birthday of the late Dr Mohammad Mossadeq, the nationalist prime minters of Iran whose legacy is still alive today for all of us.
He knew the nature of the mullahs very well and always believed that the duty of a government is not to “lead people to heaven”, as the clerics deceitfully tell us, but to make use of the country’s human and natural resources in the best possible way to eradicate poverty and offer prosperity and happiness to itspeople.
In one word, Mossadeq was a true secular politician who would never tolerate the interference of religion in the affairs of the state. As such, his name andlegacy will always remain eternal as long as Iran exists.
The regime’s security forces have stopped an artist to play flute during the funeral service of the late singer Behnam Safavi.
This outrageous act of repression comes as many of Iran’s leading singers are banned from performance inside the country, while they get prizes in European capitals for their artistic works.
Khamenei has now appointed the infamous Hossein Taeb as the head of the intelligenceunit of the Revolutionary Guards and the political thug Mohammad Reza Naghdi as the Guard’s deputy leader for cultural affairs.
All these changes are in line with Khamenei’s efforts to see that his son Mujtaba will succeed him. The appointment of Ebrahim Raeesi as the head of the judiciary is also in this respect.
And for the first time ever now Hossein Salami, the new commander of the Guards is ordering military mobilization of Iran’s armed forces, a duty that according to the constitution lies with the national army.
The regime has now brought hundreds of Iraqi and Yemeni militias into Iran who are undergoing military training for operations in the waters of the Persian Gulf.