We begin tonight’s edition of A Window to the Fatherland with Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh reading one of his poems from the book of his collected works.
Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh:
We continue the program with looking at the comments of the former Iranian Culture Minister Ataullah Mohajerani, in thePargar program of the BBC Persian TV.
Mohajerani and our colleague Mr Hassan Shariatmadri had taken part in this program, which was about the future of the Islamic republic regime.
While Shariatmadri gave realistic and objectiveanalysis of the situation in Iran, Mohajerani has been uttering a lot of baseless comments about the regime’s “powers” and that how Khamenei has been “serving Iran” throughout his dictatorial rule.
Khamenei has done nothing but to take our motherland to the brink of full destruction and yet the man who has run away from his regime and lives in exile praises him!! Shameless comments from a man who claims to be cultured and learned.
The British government has now publicly and officially backed the US position on blaming the Iranian regime for the explosions on the oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman.
The US navy has managed to film the Iranian speedboat responsible for these acts and the regime is now blasting the UK government for condemning the terrorist operations!
When Khomeini returned back to Iran from exile there was this man by the name of Mohammad Ali Hadi Najafabadi who had befriended Khomeini’s grandson Hossein.
As an opportunist he had put on the clerical robes and turban to become part of the new ruling regime and he became a confidante of Rafsanjani and even took part in secret negotiations with the Americans during the Contra scandal.
Najafabadi has now been implicated in a multi-billion dollar corruption case which goes to say the story of all those who have been ruling Iran under the false banner of religion for the last forty years.
Rouhani has been visiting Tajikistan with the hope of reviving Iran’s historic cultural links with the country.
We used to have good relations with Tajikistan but the regime gradually began to abuse its so-called cultural centers to spread radicalism and fundamentalism and the Tajik government decided to close them down.
Later in the program we will reveal the reasons for Iran’s Minister of Intelligence trip to Lebanon.