We begin tonight’s edition of A Window to the Fatherland with Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh reading one of his poems from the book of his collected works.
Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh:
In tonight’s program we will look at why the Lebanese-American citizen Nizar Zakka was arrested four years ago and has now been released by the repressive andinhumane regime in Iran
I wrote my poem about his release on my way to the studio. Mr. Zakka’s release indicates the surrender of the regime by eating the humble pie.
The regime has now produced a video clip about Zakka’s activities and we will play it later in the program.
In the video they accuse him of assisting the anti-Bashar Assad forces to helpthem with building a civil society and being in contact with many Syrian opposition leaders.
One needs to ask the producers of this propaganda video that why if you knew this about Zakka, the regime had officially invited him to visit Iran on severaloccasions while you have been supporting the Assad regime all along?
The Iranian regime has never forgiven Zakka for his tireless efforts and support for social freedoms for the female populations of the Middle East, including Iran.
Most of his speeches in Iran have been about promotion of human rights especially for women, through the use of new social media and technological advances in mass communications.
Earlier this week the Daily Telegraph reported the news that Hezbollah terrorists linked to Iran were caught stockpiling tonnes of explosive materials on theoutskirts of London in a secret British bomb factory.
The plot was uncovered by MI5 and the Metropolitan Police in the just months after the UK signed up to the Iran nuclear deal, but was kept secret not to derail the deal at the time.
The Hezbollah has devoured hundreds of millions of dollars of our people’s money and in return has brought nothing for us except bad name, disrepute and misery.