We begin tonight’s edition of A Window to the Fatherland with Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh reading one of his poems from the book of his collected works.
Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh:
Tonight we continue to speak to our special guest Mr Alireza Sasanian who used to work for Iran’s national broadcasting organization (IRIB) as one of their financial directors and we begin by asking him about the role of independent producers and why the Shahrzad series became so popular in Iran?
Mr Alireza Sasanian:
The IRIB does not want to work with some of the independent producers as most of them may have some links with the exiled Iranians and produce programs for singers and artists who have left Iran.
The ministry of intelligence monitors the works of these independent producers and questions them for working with the exiled artists. But these producers andartists are not thieves and just openly use their talent and funds but the IRIB prefers things are done secretly and through the backdoor.
Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh:
There was this very popular singer by the name of Khashayar Etemadi. What happened to him? He just disappeared suddenly.
Mr Alireza Sasanian:
Yes, I know him. He was very popular about 10-15 years ago. The question is not why some artists become so popular and others do not.
The criteria are how their art can be linked to the public’s mood and demands. Some are able to do this others cannot and leave the scene.
In Iran the power of advertising is the main factor for the rise of any artist or films and serials. Here the IRIB benefits most financially as the main channel for publicity in the country.
Mr Kordan became a victim of this matter when as a close associate of the thenhead of the IRIB Ali Larijani he was accused of corruption but Larijani refused to back him and Kordan died as a discredited man.
I had a friend who used to work in the IRIB’s finance department who had told me that all kinds of corrupt and dodge people frequent the office, including a man by the name of Hendi who he said had taken part in the assassination of thelate Dr. Shapoor Bakhtiar and would even talk an boast about it!
Also, there was this young man in that department who was an artificial intelligence engineer and rose to the position of deputy to a Mr Siahkali, but later they found out that he was a Mossad agent!