We begin tonight’s edition of A Window to the Fatherland with Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh reading one of his poems from the book of his collected works.
Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh:
I wrote this poem on the night when the university student Ebrahim Nejad was attacked by the regime’s thugs and became blind.
I had previously watched a footage of the act of retribution when a doctor working for the regime was dropping acid into theeyes of a petty criminal to make him blind as punishment.
If that victim was a criminal, the doctor who was carrying that barbaric act was more criminal, and the regime that had ordered this savage and inhuman act is most criminal.
Khamenei thinks that the situation in Iran willremain as it is after his demise. But in 50 years time from now new people will come to this world and new books will be written about the crimes that his regime has done against the Iranians.
All he needs to do to see this happening is to read the books that are now written about his predecessor Khomeini in which he is portrayed as a man who was only interested in killing other humans.
He must be asking god to forgive him for his crimes now but he was not a man to forgive when he was alive and the devastated country and people that we see in Iran today are his legacy.
The regime has once again threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz and Rouhani has claimed that his government has six hiddenways of exporting Iran’s oil and bypass the US sanctions.
But his “hidden ways” are nothing more than asking corrupt middlemen like Babak Zanjani to sell out Iran’s oil in black markets and steal the money that they earn from it for themselves.
It is quite easy for the regime to end the sanctions: stop your crimes in Yemen, stop your meddling in Iraq, stop arming the militias in Lebanon and let their people choose their own desired government and get out of Syria. Rouhani is bluffing. They do not even have one way of bypassing the sanctions.
Once upon the time when the Shah was in power in Iran the Persian Gulf was a symbol of peace and brotherhood between Iran and its Arab neighbours.
It is now the stage for wars and instability, thanks to the existence of a criminal regime in Iran.