A Window to the Fatherland/Dr. Nourizadeh/Monday /2 April

We begin tonight’s edition of A Window to the Fatherland with Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh reading one of his poems from the book of his collected works.

Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh:

Today marks the 40th anniversary of the day in which the Iranian people were asked to cast their votes and say whether they wanted an Islamic republic or not.

The recorded history tells us that at the time the late Mehdi Bazargan as the first prime minters of the Khomeini’s upcoming regime had said that in the name of democracy, which was the main slogan of the people, there must be another alternative to this “unheard of system of governance”, not knowing that Khomeini had other sinister plots in mind for the country and the Iranian people, as now seen in front of our vey eyes since that day.

Today is also the Sizdehbedar in Iran, which is a day that the Iranian people follow their ancient tradition of spending the day outside their homes in parks and among natural environment to celebrate their love of nature and the blossoming of the spring as the beginning of anotheryear of hope and change.

We will follow the program with playing a videoclip of Ahmadinejad’s protest vigil in a mosque north of Tehran. It is a painful reminder that how deceitful figures like him can now claim to be speaking for the Iranian people’s genuine demands for democracy and human rights, when he has for eight years been at the forefront of denying them these rights as a partner in Khamenei’s crimes against our people.

It is not surprising that Khamenei, nowadays referred to as the “new Pharaoh of Iran” has stayed tight lipped about his former stooge, as the regime is so weak and divided that any move against Ahmadinejad will disintegrate it even further.

In the second part of tonight’s program we will update you on the latest news of the Middle East as 16 Palestinians are reported killed by the Israeli soldiers as they stage mass rallies against the illegal confiscations of their lands by Israeli settlers.

We will also cover the news of the visit to London by Khamenei’s son Mujtaba, as well as the latest news about Benjami Haghanian’s return to Turkey.

Stay with us for this edition of A Window to the Fatherland and share it with your family and friends.

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