We begin tonight’s edition of A Window to the Fatherland with Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh reading one of his poems from the book of his collected works.
Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh:
We continue the program with talking to our special guest Dr. Hossein Bore, for his views about news of Iran and the Middle East.
Over the last three weeks we have been talking about how Iranian opposition groups inside and outside the country could unite and crate a Council for Transition of Power.
You have been pursuing a similar objective for many years and we would like to hear your take on the development of this idea.
Dr. Hossein Bore:
Indeed we have been pursuing this idea tirelessly for many years and it has become obvious to all concerned with this issue that without the participation and unity of all Iranians from different political or ethnic groups our country will not embrace peace and prosperity.
Our peoples have reached the conclusion that they have no choice but to unite to survive this dark and difficult chapter of their history and my understanding is that this council is now in the process of being set up.
Naturally those Iranians who live abroad have a freer hand to work for the establishment of this council and in our congress of Iranian ethnic peoples we had already reached a certain unity in this respect and we are hopeful that soon we should be able to announce the birth of thecouncil for transfer of power in Iran.
Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh:
I do not agree with the adjective “national minorities” because it creates a concern among our people. We are only one nation of Iran, which has many ethnic peoples who have lived alongside eachother for thousands of years and they all fit into a larger body called the country of Iran, which is their motherland. Although I do not deny that along with the Persian as our national language they have a local mother tongue as well and their rights must be protected too.
Dr. Hossein Bore:
Under the current rulers the civil, human and ethnic rights of all Iranians have been violated and I hope every one concerned about preserving these rights for all Iranians of different background would take part in this council to determine a better future for our country of Iran.
Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh:
I know that Dr. Zaim of the National Front Party of Iran has been in discussions with the representatives of these ethnic and political groups and as a trustworthy and nationalist individual he has always defended the rights of our ethnic peoples.