We begin tonight’s edition of A Window to the Fatherland with Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh reading one of his poems from the book of his collected works.
Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh:
I have a lot of respect for Dr. Boroujerdi. He is an educated man and a university lecturer. However, in an interview with the BBC Persian he has questioned the authenticity of the video clips that the US has released andshow the Revolutionary Guard involved in the attacks on the oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman.
He says he is not “convinced” that these videos are genuine! What other evidence does he need? Have ghosts been responsible for these attacks?
It is quite obvious that the Guards have carried out these attacks because they have had a reason for themselves to do it and when part of their operation has gone wrong they have tried to remove one of the bombs from the body of the tanker.
This is a regime that has been involved in terrorism and deceit for forty years and when they murdered the late Dr. Bakhtiar they claimed that his own people had killed him!
I reported the news of Mahmood Alavi the intelligence minister’s trip to Lebanon yesterday and can now reveal that he has been distributing bagful of cash among some Palestinian groups and the Islamic Jihad and has asked them to be prepared for any possible change of situation and cause trouble in the region on behalf or the Iranian regime.
Rouhani has morphed into another Khamenei these days by parroting his words and policies.
He came to power pretending that he was a moderate reformist but nowadays he is talking positions that have been the hallmarks of Iran’s hardliners.
We hear that his tutor at Caledonian university, Dr. Hassan Amin, has been imprisoned on charges of “contacts with foreign powers”.
Hassan Amin had gone to Iran some years ago and was involved in publication of theliterary magazine Hafez and it is unbelievable to hear that Rouhani has allowed his arrest and imprisonment.
I used to think of Ali Shamkhani, the current Secretary of the regime’s National Security Council, as a reasonable man who once successfully worked to reorganize Iran’s naval forces.
But now he seems to be suffering from illusion and says that his department has discovered an international network of hackers run by the CIA!!