We begin tonight’s edition of A Window to the Fatherland with Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh reading one of his poems from the book of his collected works.
Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh:
We continue the program with talking to our special guest of every Thursday, Dr. Mohsen Sazegara, for his views about news of Iran and the Middle East.
The regime of Iran through the Hezbollah of Lebanon is involved in a multi billion dollar drug smuggling business in Latin America and yet claims to be defending religious values.
Dr. Mohsen Sazegara:
The manipulation of religion for personal interests has a long history in Iran and the Shia clerics are the masters in this business.
Khomeini had even openly said that if needs be to save his regime, all Islamic principles must be put aside and suspended.
They call torture in their prisons as Tazeer (discomfort) and charge interests on loans under the guise of Islamic banking system!
At the end of the day religion is a personal matter and one’s belief in god and the hereafter. The teaching of all prophets tells us to be human first and care for one another and not hurt our neighbours.
But the rulers of Iran have turned it into a means of imposing their will onto others and the result is the mess and destruction of all human values in our country.
Dr. Alireza Nourizadeh:
I believe the last forty years under an ‘Islamic republic’ the worst type of damages have been done against this religion in our country and the late Mehdi Bazargan was right to say that the biggest victim of the Islamic revolution has beenIslam itself.